Customer Policies

  1. Customer Service Policy
  2. Customer Rights Policy
  3. Compensation Policy

BNP Paribas Policy document on
(a) immediate credit of local / outstation cheques
(b) time frame for collection of local / oustation cheques
(c) interest payment for delayed collection

BNP Paribas Cheque Collection Policy
BNP Paribas Deposit Policy

In terms of section 16 (1) of DICGC Act 1961, the limit of the total amount payable by the Corporation to any one of the depositor in respect of his/her deposits with an insured bank in the same right and capacity shall be INR 5 lakh from the February 04, 2020.

BNP Paribas – Collection of Dues and Security Repossession Policy
Customer Complaint Policy 

Policy on Customer Protection and Unauthorized Electronic Banking Transactions